Downtown Employees

At this time, it is not required to register your vehicle. If you have any questions, please email Parking Requests (

Just as a reminder, employees’ children are not permitted to park their parent's vehicle in the employee parking lots even if the vehicle is properly registered under their parent's parking account. When the student is driving the vehicle, it must be parked in a student lot only.

Just as a reminder, employees with students attending the college must register shared vehicles under their own parking account and under the student’s account as well. Employees’ children are not permitted to park their parent's vehicle in the employee parking lots even if the vehicle is properly registered under their parent's parking account. When the student is driving the vehicle, it must be parked in a student lot only.


Parking lot BB is designated for employees only on the Downtown Campus. However, employees can also park in lot AA or CC as well. The gates on these lots are motion censored and will raise when you approach them.

Employees are prohibited from parking in the visitor’s parking spaces for any reason.

Motorist Assistance Program - M.A.P.

If your vehicle needs jump-starting or the keys are locked inside your vehicle, go to the Information Desk on the first floor of Building 32 and we can assist you.